Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

warna karakter, i guess

jadi beginilah, Yassir pulang dari pelatihan kepemimpinan di Bukit Tinggi. bawa oleh-oleh cerita tentang 'warna' orang-orang. Warna dia hijau..
So, i searched and took the test. tes yang aku ikuti, ternyata mengklasifikasikan warna seseorang menjadi empat pilihan. biru, merah, kuning dan putih. dan warnaku biru,

Blues are motivated by Intimacy. They seek to genuinely connect with others, and need to be understood and appreciated. Everything they do is quality-based. They are loyal friends, employers, and employees. Whatever or whomever they commit to is their sole (and soul) focus. They love to serve and give of themselves freely in order to nurture others' lives.

aku rasa, ada benarnya juga..

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